
Canva Vs. Inkscape

I’ve been trying Canva since a few months ago, and truth is, it has blown my mind. HEY, I still LOVE inkscape, but when I started giving workshops to people who wanted to improve their social networks, reality was that my students were not experts on design, and tools like this became my allies. I’ve...Read More

La fotografía en la era de los smartphones

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Son muchos los usuarios de smartphones que basan su decisión sobre qué teléfono comprar en la calidad de la cámara integrada del mismo. No es de extrañar, pues algunas de estas cámaras fotográficas integradas son comparables, en cuanto a calidad se refiere, a muchas cámaras fotográficas disponibles en el mercado. Es por ello que muchos...Read More

Need Icons?OpenClipart & IconFinder

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One of the most useful things in the design world are Icons. Either you’re designing an app and you need a brand new pack, or you’re creating a banner and you want to add some elements that make it stand out. Truth is that there are a lot of resources where you can find free graphics,...Read More

How to build Online presentations: Services review

Haven’t you been wanting to use an easy online tool to create some awesome presentations? Woudln’t be cool to share an interactive-online talk with some friends? Those were some of the questions I made myself and after a quick search (and a friend’s recommendation) I came across with Slidifier and Slides. Slidifier is a tool...Read More
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