
Standard size of a wallpaper

If you’re a designer, photographer or just someone who wants to set a nice image as background on your computer but you have no idea about which size to use, then this is an article for you There is a wide variety of screens available, so finding the best size for your screen might turn...Read More

dartable usermanual-es translation progress

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Finally 50% ! a month ago when i started with this translation I though I wouldn’t finish on time, however, being at 50% I can start to see the light at the end of the of the way. This time I wanted to drop some statistics about the work on the darktable usermanual translation to spanish in case...Read More

darktable user manual: chapter 1 and 2 (spanish)

Manual de Usuarios darktable – Capitulo 1 y 2 de Tatica Leandro For a couple of years I’ve been helping with darktable‘s spanish translation but my real goal has always been to translate the official usermanual. It’s a huge task because these guys always add fantastic stuff to the app, so my translation time is mostly consumed...Read More
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