July 2014

#TvFriday : Halt and Catch Fire

Yeap, like the instruction. This is a new AMC serie (same creators of The Walking Dead y Breaking Bad) that explores the first steps into the personal computer revolution. Story takes place at Texas, in 1983; and tells the story of Joe McMillan, an IBMex-employee who joins Cardiff after some weird stuff (which I still don’t know since I’m...Read More

Podcasts are back!!! (but they need your help)

Did you like the podcast and don’t know where to find them? it’s time to talk Gimp100Podcast was born as a diary where I placed the stuff I learned. My first podcast was released on May,2010 and it took me 3 years to only make 36 podcasts. Creating a podcast requires planning, editing and publishing. My first...Read More
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