July 2014

Gimp100Podcasts 38: Crop an image with a defined aspect ratio: Darktable Vs. Gimp

Sometimes, the easiest things are ones we care the less, and those little tricks are the ones that make the difference when you need to edit quickly an image. Today’s Podcast, will include a small explanation about what’s an aspect ratio, the most common sizes for photography, and how to use it. In this podcast...Read More

ColorZilla, pick color samples in your browser

ColorZilla has created a couple of plugins, both for Chrome as for Firefox, that allows you to have an integrated eyedropper on your browser, so you can collect easily color samples of anything. Is like having a kcolorchooser just a click away. ColorZilla includes several tools: Eyedropper – get the color of any pixel on the page An advanced Color Picker similar to ones...Read More

#TvFriday : The Strain

Guillermo del Toro new serie (Pan’s labyrinth, Devil’s Backbone, and more) is based on a book trilogy written with Chuck Hogan back in 2009 with the same name. Tells the story of Dr. Ephraim Goodweather, an epidemiologist who finds a potential treat when an airplane, with no reason, lands without any kind of communication with the JFK airport (New York)....Read More
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