
How to build Online presentations: Services review

Haven’t you been wanting to use an easy online tool to create some awesome presentations? Woudln’t be cool to share an interactive-online talk with some friends? Those were some of the questions I made myself and after a quick search (and a friend’s recommendation) I came across with Slidifier and Slides. Slidifier is a tool...Read More

Comunicado oficial de la Coordinación del FLISoL ante sede registrada como MicrosoftMX

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Ante las dudas sucitadas por el evento organizado por Microsoft México, la Coordinación de México y la Coordinación Internacional han llegado a la conclusión de que dicho evento no cumple con las metas generales del FLISoL, el cual en su base es un Festival de Instalación de Software Libre. Sin más preámbulo, les dejo el...Read More

Civil Rights in Venezuela: Self-Image

Be a photographer brings the challenge to respect the privacy of those who are captured in our images. It isn’t weird to see photographers capturing random people on the streets, so we ask What if someone takes a picture of me? What can they with with it? What if I don’t agree with the use...Read More
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