Poedit and the art of translation

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As some know, in the past mnths I’ve been away from the internet due to location (still can’t set internet at the house) I took the work to make the translation of darktable, the application is already fully translated. However, during the past month, after the Darktable team did an exhaustive review of the User Manual, I have been focusing on the translation of this one. It is a long and tedious process, but I think the users will get an enormous benefit with it. I have been doing both translations with a tool called Poedit , Poedit is cross-platform gettext catalogs (.po files) editor. It is built with wxWidgets toolkit and can run on any platform supported by it (although it was only tested on Unix with GTK+ and Windows). It aims to provide more convenient approach to editing catalogs than launching vi and editing the file by hand. Poedit is released under the MIT license. To make the explanation easier, poedit shows on the left the original language (which is usually English) and on the right the translation. It catalogs the contents into 3 sections: Translated: it is the content that has already been reviewed Untranslated : that is the content that has no translation yet. Fuzzy: translations that must be corrected by humans before approval. If anyone is curious I leave a couple of screenshots, Darktable software consists of 1572 chains, while the manual consists of 1559 (which although has less chains, each chain is approximately 3-4 times longer) poedit: darktable translation poedit: darktable translation poedit: darktable user manual translation poedit: darktable user manual translation Remember that I’m raising funds for a couple of friends and myself, so we can attend to LGM, which is the biggest EVER opensource graphic tools event, so if you find this useful, please, don’t hesitate to donate some love to us. You can d it through the pledgie web or pich directly through the paypal button on the right of this website… we count on you!!