Tupi, Open 2D Magic

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Tupi is a fork of the KTooN project created to authoring digital artists interested in 2D Animation, offering them an interface experience focused on 8-100 years old kids. Tupi is developed in C++ using the Qt library and is a free software project under constant redesign and evolution, released under the GPL terms (version 3). Tupi provides a space for creation and publishing of free animated content. I’m probably the happiest girl in the world, since my husband spoils me every time I need to install something that is not packaged and builds an rpm for me. So, here is the rpm, already tested by Maefloresta (Tupi creator). Fedora 19 x64 Tupi RPM: http://prdownload.berlios.de/tupi/tupi-0.2-1git02.fc19.x86_64.rpm Other Releases and platforms: https://developer.berlios.de/project/showfiles.php?group_id=12151
Now, let’s help a bit to Gustav and let him keep his incredible work. Here is his official announce of the Kickstarter campaign:
Tupi launches its first KickStarter campaign! After one month of hard work making the video and preparing the content of the campaign, finally the people of KickStarter gave us green light to launch our most important crowdfunding initiative since the beginning of the project. The official page of this campaign is available at: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/175927790/tupi-2d-animation-software-for-everyone Once again we need the support of all the artists/users around the Tupi project to achieve the goal of this ambitious crusade, this is a world wide call up! All we ask to you, is to help us to spread the word of this crowdfunding campaign to every free software advocate you know, to every 2D animators group you attend. We really appreciate your commitment to our cause, our collective effort will result in a better (Free Software) 2D animation tool. THANK YOU SO MUCH! :D