
Compress a PDF with ghostscript

This days I had to send a multiple page PDF with a bunch of pictures on it, but requirements said that it needed to be smaller than 5Mb. With Ghostscript I was able to transform a 10.9MB file into a 1.2Mb without loosing quality, since it was mandatory that the small letters contained on the...Read More

3 easy ways to sharpen skin with darktable

I was mostly an avid user of the Sharpen and RAW denoise modules before LGM, but folks were kind to teach me another way to get my sharpening, and since I tend to forget stuff, here are my notes on that.Sharpen module: As its name says, might be the easiest way to add that extra...Read More

La fotografía en la era de los smartphones

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Son muchos los usuarios de smartphones que basan su decisión sobre qué teléfono comprar en la calidad de la cámara integrada del mismo. No es de extrañar, pues algunas de estas cámaras fotográficas integradas son comparables, en cuanto a calidad se refiere, a muchas cámaras fotográficas disponibles en el mercado. Es por ello que muchos...Read More
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