
Full Guide for Social Networks Images Sizes

Who hasn’t suffered arranging where to cut an image for their Social Networks? It s not a secret that an image success lies in its composition, so check this full list of the main Social Network Image Sizes so you know how to cut images or be able to create amazing designs. Facebook Facebook Cover:Escritorio:...Read More

Configuring the Taotronic Headphones with Microphone on Linux

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I’ve owned a TaoTronic TT-BH22 headphones with noise cancellation for a while ago, and I can tell you that despite being quite cheap have worked perfectly for me. Battery life is fantastic (around 40 hours) and noise cancelling, even if it’s not 100% perfect as the professional ones, is more than acceptable.However, then I bought...Read More

Create an Amazon Kindle ebook cover

When we are creating a book that will be published at Amazon Kindle Store and we want it to be printed as well as digital, we need to have some important considerations when comes to create the cover. It’s not just about having an attractive cover that encourage readers to buy, but it also has...Read More

Como crear un Elevator Pitch

A la hora de vender (lo que sea) debemos estar claros en lo que nuestro producto o servicio tiene para ofrecer, y esa primera conversación que tenemos con nuestro potencial cliente debe engancharlo con un discurso de entre 30 y 90 segundos, a eso se le llama Elevator Pitch. Debemos asumir que quienes quieren comprar...Read More
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