I’ve never been good at freehand draw, and create images 100% symmetrical is definitely a challenge for me. Reading a bit about the features of the available apps, started playing with the mirror filter that
MyPaint has.
When you activate this filter, everything you draw on your canvas will be copied automatically at the opposite side, and we will get a completely symmetrical graphic.
GIMP guys have been working for a while
on a plugin that add this feature and seems that will be out soon; so we will not only have one, but two choices to draw symmetrically.[cq_vc_hotspot image=”5748″ position=”3.5377358490566038%|88.47619047619048%,32.40344929245283%|53.714285714285715%,72.8294516509434%|47.61904761904761%,” circlecolor=”#ffffff”][hotspotitem]
Activate Mirror
Mirror can be Vertical or Horizontal