Download web files in sequential numbering

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Has been a busy week at work, and this time I had to download some files from a website but using sequential numbering. Would be easy just to right click the file, download them and rename each one, however, when we talk about 50 items with over 50 files each that doesn’t seam the right choice. It’s time to bring an old friend back, DownThemAll.[cq_vc_separator title=”1″ bgcolor=”#45c9e0″ fontcolor=”#ffffff” bordercolor=”#ffffff” centerbordercolor=”#ffffff” fontsize=”3em”]First, we must locate the web that has the content we want to download, and make sure we don’t have anything selected (if so, DownThemAll will only download that). We right click over the website and select the option “DownThemAll! …”[cq_vc_fluidbox thumbwidth=”300″ fluidimage=”5732″][/cq_vc_fluidbox][cq_vc_separator title=”2″ bgcolor=”#45c9e0″ fontcolor=”#ffffff” bordercolor=”#ffffff” centerbordercolor=”#ffffff” fontsize=”3em”]On the popup window,we will be able to select/uncheck the elements that we want to be part of the download. I just needed a set of images,so I unchecked everything else. Select the folder where you want them to be stored and the trick to get the sequential numbering is to use the variables that DownThemAll has:

Rename Variables:

[cq_vc_hotspot image=”5739″ position=”81.6510172143975%|16.145251396648046%,81.6339006259781%|80.33519553072625%,43.27807120500783%|1.7877094972067038%,91.43192488262912%|74.97206703910615%,” circlecolor=”#ffffff”][hotspotitem] Select path [/hotspotitem] [hotspotitem] Rename file with variables [/hotspotitem] [hotspotitem] Select files to download [/hotspotitem] [hotspotitem] Download [/hotspotitem][/cq_vc_hotspot][cq_vc_separator title=”3″ bgcolor=”#45c9e0″ fontcolor=”#ffffff” bordercolor=”#ffffff” centerbordercolor=”#ffffff” fontsize=”3em”]And it’s time to relax and see how DownThemAll does all the work. It’s curious how we learn a lot of things just to make work easier and faster, right? Try using the variables to get different results and let me know how did that go![cq_vc_fluidbox thumbwidth=”300″ fluidimage=”5740″][/cq_vc_fluidbox]