Selfie Ultimate Guide: Does and Don’ts

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There is something I can assure you with today’s podcast… you will laugh. As a photographer, i understand that everyone wants to have a nice picture of themselves online, however, that doesn’t mean that you have to become on a selfie-addict just to seek for attention. If you see this tutorial, make sure to use the hashtag #SmartSelfie and drop me a twit ;) This time I have a short podcast that will not only help you to determine what you should NOT do when you take a selfie, but will explain also a couple of tricks to use your phone better and get a nicer selfie. Plus what I explain at the podcast, here is a short list of recommendations: [su_list icon=”icon: camera”]
  • Avoid to take pictures in front of a mirror.
  • Practice using the back camera which has a better resolution, use the front one only if the photo is too complicated.
  • If possible, avoid flash. Flash supersaturate the take and makes the skin looks plastic, fake and without any texture. It’s better to use ambient light, such as sun or a lamp.
  • Say NO to the Duck-Face…
  • Be funny, but not absurd. Make people laugh with you, not at you.
  • Measure the amount of selfies that you post online… One thing is to show yourself to the world, another is to be a narcissist.
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