QuizUp: Knowledge quiz

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At night, I like to take some minutes before get asleep to play any trivia game, which makes my brain disconnect from the daily routine (work/tasks/etc) and get a better sleep. One of the apps i like to play is QuizUp; a trivia game with so many topics that you will never get bored. QuizUp has so far 400 topics with over 220.000 and counting, since they update them on daily basis. There is a main set of categories which subdivide on the topics you will be playing. The main categories are:
  • Tv
  • Arts
  • Business
  • Sports
  • Education
  • Games
  • Geography
  • History
  • Lifestyle
  • Nature
  • Science
  • Music
  • Movies
  • Literature
  • Special categories: This month case, worldcup and teams!
  Screenshot from 2014-06-29 10:00:33   One of the good things that this app has, is that for those people who doesn’t speak english, once you select your language at the main conf most of the questions will get translated; so it won’t matter where you’re from, you will be able to play it. You can log in using your social networks, this will import your profile pic and your friends, who you will be able to challenge! It also has a chat where you can talk with who you have played, world and local rankings and a forum to discuss each topic and where you can also sugest new questions. (it’s required to at least, be level 15 on the category you want to contribute)! Anyway, if you’re someone who likes to challenge your intelect at night, do not hesitate on try this fun app (which also have some awesome graphic interface), play a bit and why not… add me as a friend and challenge me! This app is available at Apple and Android so there is no excuse to give it a try and let me know how was it! i will be waiting for those challenges!