Today i had several problems with
Qtranslate, who simply doesn’t want to translate the static home pages (still don’t know why)… so I started using
transposh, which is quite good for how simple it is.

Thing is that the static home page I made, doesn’t have any widget area defined outside the box, so I can’t just add the Transposh widget (I could, but i just need some cute flags that it doesn’t bring either), and I need those flags to point the translation, not just pointing to the home url, but translating the current url where the user is. I know this is a simple fix, but since I had to google it and my blog is my post-it, here is the way to do it. The PHP code you need to add is this:
<?php $url = content_url(); ?>?lang=es”>
This tag should be add before the code you want to add at the end of each url, so, in my case, ended up being something like this:
<a href=”<?php $url = content_url(); ?>?lang=es”><img src=”<?php bloginfo(‘template_directory’); ?>/images/Spanish-flag-small.gif”></a>
With this simple code, wordpress will know that it has to use the current url and not the home page one, adding the
?lang=es at the end. You can see that this is an easy fix, and since i add it at the home.php file, I have nothing else to do.