
Top 10 movies from each decade


Checking the IMDB top 250 y went curious to see which were the top 10 movies from each decade, since they just provide a huge list with everything and based on the user’s score. After checking a while this was the result, hope you enjoy it and let me know which were your favorites :D

Oldies ’till 1950
casablanca wonderfullife sunsetblvd citylights moderntimes citizenkane M doubleidemnity greatdictator treasuresierraMadre

From 1951 to 1960
12angryman 7samurai rearwindow psycho northbynorthwest pathsofglory vertigo singingintherain somelikeithot apartment

From 1961 to 1970
goodbadugly ouatiw drstrangelove lawrenceofarabia killamockingbird chinatown montypythonholygrail sting yojimbo deerhunter

From 1971 to 1980
godfather godfatherII swV cuckoo swIV apocalypsenow alien shining taxidriver clockworkOrange

From 1981 to 1990
goodfellas raiderslostark backtothefuture aliens dasboot cinemaparadiso swVI onceuponatimeamerica fullmetaljacket amadeus

From 1991 to 2000
shawshank pulp schlinderlist fightclub forrestgump matrix seven silenceoflambs usualsuspects leon

From 2001 to 2010
darknight lotr lotrII inception lotr1towers cityofgod spiritedaway pianist departed walle

From 2011 ’till now
django darkknightrises intouchables warrior avengers hunt lifeofpi harrypotter7b hobbit artist

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  • 19 June, 2018 at 20:12

    Muchas son geniales, alguna no las he podido ver, pero ya me voy a poner a chequear en para ver las películas que me faltan

  • 30 July, 2015 at 21:29

    a mi me gusta más cast away que the pianist

  • 7 March, 2014 at 9:12

    Interesting how 40’s movies captivate me and 50’s doesn’t. Personal top 3 of this list: Casablanca, Lawrence of Arabia and Forest Gump. The 90’s was a decade with many great movies :)

  • 9 January, 2014 at 5:04
    will sosa pulido

    y en los 60’s no tienes 2001: A Space Odyssey ??? falla! por le demás casi todas son de mis favoritas con excepción de las del 2011 para acá, pero no es tu culpa, no han sacado nada relevante…. quizás Cloud Atlas es lo único rescatable de los 3 últimos años. Saludos.

  • 8 September, 2013 at 12:23

    No te falto ninguna de mis peliculas favoritas si acaso hombre en llamas pero con ciudad de dios y el gran dictador me voy contento xD , y creo que la de ell viaje de Chihiro ya la vi pero no sabia como se llamaba xD


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