
What’s like having a period?


Well, this is an interesting question. Let me break it down for you:

You start getting cramps. Not like the kinda bad normal cramps, it’s like “HOLY FUCK SHOOT ME, I WANT TO CURL UP IN A BALL AND DIE, I HATE MY LIFE” kind of cramps.

You also get back pains. It’s not the worse kind, but it’s just extremely uncomfortable and not fun to sleep with. Also, your legs feel so heavy that is walk isn’t normal anymore and you feel like dragging yourself across the street.

Blood also pours out of your vagina. and I’m not exaggerating when I say pour. Stand up and it’s like Bloody Niagara Falls coming out of a whole in your body. Cough, Bloody Niagara Falls again. Sneeze, Bloody Niagara Falls. Breathe, Bloody Niagara Falls…

You also have to deal with the paranoia that everyone will know because it soaked through your pants. To avoid this from happening, you either have to wear a diaper-type thing or shove something up your vagina and leave it there for hours. It doesn’t feel good either because you feel wet all day long and walk with something between your legs. And yet, you still get the paranoia because it pours so much that it’s not enough.

On top of it all, you’re somehow angry, horny, depressed, hungry, and in extreme pain all at the same time. And when you’re on your period, it’s the anger that you want to stab someone or yourself because you feel completely depressed, but you want to fuck everything that moves because you’re Horny Horny. You want to either die or eat everything in sight.

And, we have to do this for a week straight. Every month. Every year since we turn 10 or 12.

Is that a good enough explanation?

I add some more, but source is in:

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  • 17 July, 2012 at 9:56

    :/ madre miá, nosotros los novios y esposos también podríamos escribir de lo que tenemos que soportar todos los meses xD . ser usado como objeto anti estres , hacer tilito … y soportar la ira que les ataca en fin jejejeje

  • 10 July, 2012 at 13:28

    Interesante artículo Tatica. Sigo tu blog desde hace tiempo por el tema de que utilizo Fedora desde hace muchos años, y me gusta buscar a gente que lo utiliza también.
    Sobre la entrada del periodo, interesante también. Yo lo sé porque siempre he tenido una mujer en mi vida, madre, hermana, novias, compañeras de trabajo, etc…; la naturaleza es así. Vosotras tenéis eso, y nosotros tenemos otras cosas, créeme.
    Yo siempre os lo detecto con el cambio de humor durante unos días…XP
    Lo importante es que todo pasa unos días después. Por cierto, muy ¿divertido? el dibujo, en plan “El resplandor” de Kubrick, jajajaja.
    Saludos desde España.


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