
Fedora 17: Susan gets a Makeover!


Finally! After skiping Fedora16 (and don’t even ask why) I can do a clean instalation at Susan (my laptop, and yes… Because Susan Calvin) of the Beefy Miracle Fedora 17. This is not intent to be an instalation guide, is just what I have been doing and some issues I have been solving, among to some other tips you might find useful (or not).

========== General Overview ==========

Fedora 17 Screenshot My laptop isn’t at hell anymore!!!! I must say that my legs are really happy that my laptop is completely cold now, even when I have Darktable, Blender, Gimp, Inkscape, SweetHome3D, Skype, Firefox, chromium-browser, pidgin, xchat AND I’m doing a full yum -y update (and don’t forget restoring a 300Gb backup).

I must say my laptop is super faster, is not getting hot anymore and I didn’t had to configure any hardware yet, so I must say good job folks!

========== Installing what isn’t there ==========

The best way to start is just adding RPMfusion and chromium repos. Susan is a 64b laptop so this are the repos you might need to start:

yum localinstall –nogpgcheck

Once that’s done, you can simply install everything you want with a simple *yum install $WHATEVER” and my list goes like this so far:

yum -y install darktable bluez xchat pidgin gimp ufraw rawstudio inkscape blender skype hotot turpial chromium-browser wget vim nss-mdns kcolorchooser glibc.i686 qt.i686 qt-x11.i686 libXv.i686 alsa-lib.i686 libXScrnSaver.i686 postr

Flash support: I’m not gonna explain how to do it because you can just follow this howto (works perfect with 64bit too) –

========== Groups have it all!!! ==========

Now… if you want to go really crazy (like I did) you might just simply use groupinstall and forget about remembering what do you need to install. Is one of the features i really like, and groups are really complete, so this makes easier for a designer, packager or any interest group to make a general installation of the apps packages you need.

To get a full list of the groups you have available, just write in your terminal the next sentence. (List is really long, so be calm :) )

yum grouplist

Once you have decided which groups you want to install, remember to use between groups, this might be a good example you can follow

yum -y groupinstall “Design Suite” “Games and Entertainment” “Graphics” “Office/Productivity” “Sound and Video” “Graphical Internet” “Web Server”

========== Skype sound problems ==========

It is know that the new skype beta has some issues, however, to be honest, I still don’t see any mayor changes. Anyway, if you have no audio at all on skype, solution is kinda easy. I leave the 3 steps to solve it in the next images.

  • 1.- Go to your User/Group settings (will ask your root passwd)
  • 2.- Add “pulse” and “pulse-access”
  • 3.- Change at Skype-sound preferences the driver (you might select the ones I have or just try them all)
  • 4.- Remember to make a test call… presto :)

skype sound problems: #1 Skype sound problems #2 Skype sound problems #3

========== Miracle has arrived ==========

I know there is a lot of things to be explored yet, but since I’m doing that I will stop here for now. If you have recommendations, tips, complains or anything… shoot me! :D

Help tatica and donate with paypal!

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Darktable 1.0.3 Overview


  • 30 June, 2012 at 8:45

    Hace días instalé F17 32 b, Con anterioridad había instalado F16, que no sé el motivo, pero se lo achaco a la aceleración gráfica de Gnome3, dejo de permitirme el acceso al escritorio, así que me ví obligado a camniar de distro (hasta la salidad de F17, que no precisa recurrir a la aceleración gráfica;mi terjeta gréfica es simple).

    Ahora me ocurre lo siguiente con Gimp 2.8 y Mypaint: el puntero de la herramienta (por ejemplo el de una brocha) no se desplaza al unísono con el puntero del ratón. Con la tableta, una Bamboo, ocurre lo mismo.

    ¿Puede ser problema de Fedora 17?, pues he probado con distros de F16 (32 y 64) desde el Live CD y ese problema no existe con ambas aplicaciones. Tampoco me ocurre bajo XP.
    He mirado y remirado por ahí y no se me ocurre lo que pueda ser. Tampoco creo que se deba al KVM switch, pues supongo que fedora lo reconocería en el momento de la instalación.

    Gracias de antemano.

    • 30 June, 2012 at 12:00

      Saludos jamac4k: Con respecto a la aceleración el entorno no tiene que ver con la distro. Yo no uso Gnome3 porque me parece que consume demasiados recursos y utilizo Fluxbox. Ahora, en base a tu tabla Bamboo, yo tengo una wacom igual y no tengo ni un solo problema. Has probado mapearlo? – Ninguna de las cosas que mencionas son problema de la distro, sino que son problema de configuración. Quizás no has hecho una que otra cosilla que puede mejorar tu sistema. Mi consejo? Sigue intentando… nadie nace aprendido y te aseguro que el rendimiento de tu maquina, si le quitas lo fancy de gnome3 va a mejorar un monton :)

  • 31 May, 2012 at 11:36

    Hola, tatica no uso fedora pero perdón por poner lo que voy a decir aqui, oye sólo pregunto cuándo harás más capítulos de Gimp se exraña aunque sea un capítulo más en estos meses y la otra cosa es si ya haz probado la nueva versión de GIMP la 2.8 , seria bueno tutoriales con la nueva versión no cres?.

  • 31 May, 2012 at 0:12

    Hola tatica,
    you do not need to use “yum localinstall” command because it is now depreciated. Simply use “yum install /path/foo.rpm”.

  • 30 May, 2012 at 21:49

    As usual, another great work by Fedora Design Team. I have switched to Arch Linux lately. But thinking to try Fedora on my Desktop.

  • 30 May, 2012 at 21:39

    Is that the default wallpaper of Fedora 17?

    • 30 May, 2012 at 21:45

      Angel, Indeed it is :)

  • 30 May, 2012 at 14:46
    Joe Buck

    Hi Maria,

    Actually almost everything in rpmfusion is open source/free software. However, it may be something Red Hat can’t touch because of software patents, which is why it is in rpmfusion and not Fedora proper.

    • 30 May, 2012 at 14:58

      Hey Joe! Yeah, but I must be a bit paranoic when I talk about it… at least has work to stop some non-healthy discussions about free/non-free. :D

  • 30 May, 2012 at 14:20

    Hola, buenas cosas que has puesto en tu blog ahorita, es bueno saber de otra Fedoriana de corazón (yo regresé a fedora luego de algunos años, empezando con la versión 15, sigo en la 16 y ahora la 17 :D). Espero podamos intercambiar algunas ideas porque si me gustaría saber y compartir, si no es mucha molestia, lo que conozco de Fedora con una fedoriana (también tan linda :$:$ ;) )

  • 30 May, 2012 at 14:05

    Nice choice of machine name. :)



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