Submissions to Linuxwochen

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First I need to say THANK YOU (yes, yell at you) because we are so so so close to collect the money for the travel, that I just submit 2 talk for Linuxwochen. I really don’t know how to express my gratitude to all of you who have donated so far and those that will. This are the kind of actions that make you understand that what we do is right, and change is possible. People doesn’t realize that FLOSS, worldwide, is a huge family of people that not only teach you or learn from you, but also people who encourage you, support you and help you. Life is about the actions we do to improve what is arround us, about help, teach and grow. Once again THANK YOU! Don’t forget we are still receiving donations, please check our Pledgie:
My first submissions is about One Of The World’s Largest FLOSS Events – FLiSoL. Latinamerican Festival for the Installation of Free Software (El Festival Latinoamericano de Instalación de Software Libre) is one of the largest free software events worldwide. The FliSoL event started 2005 and has been held every year since. The main goal of the event is to promote Free and Open Source Software and its use. The FliSoL event is simultaneously organized on a single day in many different countries and cities all over Latin America. Around 20 countries (including Spain) participated in FLISoL in 2011 and around 60,000 people visited the different locations where the event was held on just a single day. This talk will give an inside view in the organization of FLiSoL conference.
My second submission is about Venezuela, and how an Entire Country Migrates To Linux. Venezuela has, like all Latin American countries, a strong interest in using free and open source software for many different purposes. That gives them more independence from big software corporations and gives them the opportunity to develop the software in their own country giving their local talents a chance to grow professionally. So the Venezuelan government has started its own Linux distribution, called Canaima, which is installed on most of the computers in all governmental institutions. Venezuela also has a program for equipping all schools with laptops, which were first bought in Portugal and are now produced inside the country. So the kids grow up using Linux on their computers from the age of eight. This talk gives an overview on the migration to free and open source software in Venezuela.