WOW! let me tell you that you guys are just beign AMAZING! If last wednesday we had 21 amazing people joining our hangout… we had 26 this time! Thank you for be part of this!
I have come to the point of realize that VideoConferences are turning into an excellent way to interact, even if language can be a bit tricky sometimes, but is like hang with your coworkers (since at offices there is no contact either), is just like take a look over your desk and see your friends, that’s amazing.
You have NO idea of how encouraged I feel when I see the feedback that you guys have push to this, when ideas are suported by people from all the world, things matter and encourage to keep working. Once again, Thank you!!
I need to thank all of those who came and hangout with us last night, but specially to our great FPL,
Robyn Bergeron, who just jump to say hi and stay for a while with us (and act like the rockstar that she is, smiling while people was taking photos of their screen with their mobiles :P ), thank you also to
Alexis Pardo (Peru),
Hector Alonso González Mata (Venezuela),
Larry Letelier (Chile),
Carlos Reges (Venezuela),
Alejandro Acosta (Mexico),
Mark Terranova (USA),
Jeronimo Gonzalez (Argentina),
Joe Mac,
Alejandro Perez (Panamá),
Andres Pascasio (El Salvador),
Adolfo Fitoria,
Fran Monroy Moret (Venezuela),
Jeferx BugDox (Venezuela),
Hector Carrillo Hugo Alonso Ibarra García (Venezuela),
Johan Camilo Manrique Sanchez (Colombia),
Oliver Rivas (USA),
Ricardo del Nogal (Venezuela),
Edgardo Herrera (Venezuela),
Eduard Lucena (Venezuela),
Yury Jajitzky (Venezuela),
Carlos Pineda (Venezuela),
Lilibeth Ramirez (Venezuela) and
Abdel Gabiel Martinez Lassonde (Panamá).

Last night VC was mostly to know ste status of our ambassadors and contributors in 3 countries, Venezuela, Mexico and Panamá; but we also had an amazing brainstorming where we were able to talk about how to improve the way we do marketing, solutions for marketing goodies, introduction to new contributors (since we had some on the VC), FUDcon ideas and even leadership, and how to expand Fedora (and FOSS) in our region. Let me show you the topics and ideas lists so you can read them and provide some feedback as well.
= FUDcon Venezuela tasks =
* One of our contributors, Hector Alonso, needs to contact UDO Cumana with us, so we can have a meeting.
= Fedora México =
* Nushio, Alejandro and? we need to contact the rest of contributors there
* Our ambassadors are contributing a lot on local lugs
* There is an awesome communication and will between local community and RH-México, however, we might need to push a bit more so we can act together. We should try to push a FAD.
* Alejandro might find useful to have a meeting with Venezuelan contributors that work on Governament to get some feedback for his classes.
= Fedora Panamá =
* Potty is the new local leader, his tasks are mostly TONS of events and run FLISoL. He needs to have a public agenda where people can know which events he will attend and how to be reach.
* Work with college new students, go back to first year recruitment. And push graduated people to go back and recruit based on their own experiences.
* Try to get involved in non-fedora events.
= Fedora =
* Lead and Delegate
* We need to spend latam budget… hasn’t been fully used
* Motivate people to DO, not only to spread.
* People cannot try to do everything by themselves… so we need to motivate the new contributors that want to join the groups we are part of on taking tasks. If we don’t act fast when they just join, they might get bored and just drop off. Nice reference to read is
* Drupal Central American event that we MUST go… Insight!
= Event box =
I think this is the main point from yesterday hangout. We have several issues to face: Shipping between LATAM countries is a NOT (too expensive, too slow, too complicated on customs), Ambassadors are not asking for funds or do it too late, Each LATAM country wants design independency and even if that’s cool doesn’t allow us to have a general branding marketing campain.
So, the main idea and steps to try to follow to use the Event Box as an option are:
* We need a local list of suppliers on each country where we can have sorta arrangement and print items.
* We need a latinamerican (or general) marketing team that deals directly between each country supplier and RH budget, so ambassadors doesn’t have to deal with everything everytime, only fill a request.
* Suppliers will have designs twice a year (per each release), so we only have to do a request without work design, prints quality, etc. this not only helps with quality, but also make items be delivered faster.
* Ambassadors need to request X amount of event boxes and explain WHY need that quantity and how will he use it.
Now, we have an idea of what might go inside that box. Boxes will be build according to the smalles event we may attend (something between 10-20 people), so if a user is going to a larger event, he only need to ask for a different number of boxes. Items will be (pls add or remove if you think is needed):
* T-shirts (5 per box)
* Stickers (50 per box)
* Flyers (50 per box)
* Special Item (one per box) this can be used as motivarot, prize or X, so ambassadors actually ASK for this boxes.
* Cd… Now here comes the best idea:
For media, we could do a REALLY SUPER LARGE request (maybe china or somewhere else) where they send us a lot of labeled media (only fedora logo, NO VERSION) and without burn. If each country have a stock of labeled but nor burned media, they can burn thoe locally and we can add on the event box only the envelope with the version name.
This not only help with prices, but also with shipping weight and, if people want to go and burn a spin, remix or different version, since there is no burned media, then disc won’t get lost or obsoletes.
I hope that people keep enjoying our hangouts, and if anyone PLEASE can help us contacting someone from google that let us use the live option so more people can join… pls let me know. Once again. Thank you! I will let you know next week when and topics about our next meeting (if you have an idea… please let me know ASAP!)