Maybe you have heard, that the next
LGM – Libre Graphics Meeting, will be held in Vienna from May 2nd to Saturday May 5th That is the place where all the great and amazing FOSS artists and developers of the tools they use come together.
For a lot of years, I have followed this event online.There was always amazing projects, ideas on this event. I live on the other side of the world and is really hard for me to attend. Flights from South America to Europe are really expensive. My crazy… Crazy friend
Sirko (gnokii) created a donations page, where people
can make donations.
If I have helped you once, so maybe you can help me this time. :)
Those who have already made a donation, there will be a special surprise for you on retribution. So what do you say… ready to help me attend LGM and let me bring that amazing knowledge and experiences back to

Here is what Gnokii wrote on
“Maybe you know that girl here. You know she does a lot for FLOSS, using GIMP, Inkscape and Blender. Its not that she makes only graphics for Fedora and a lot of othere FLOSS-projects or events. She also give her knowledge always to others, giving talks and workshops on events or producing screencasts.
She always wanted to see an FLOSS event in europe, so the Libre Graphics Meeting and LinuxWochen Vienna would be the right event for her.
There is only one problem, flights from south america to europe are really expensive. From Caracas to Vienna is mostly between 1500 and 1700 $, why 2500 then. So maybe we can pay the hotel also? ;)”