The new movie from
Johnny Depp tells the story of Dr. Will Caster, a scientist specialized on Artificial Intelligence, who tries to build a sensible machine based on human emotions. His efforts are recogniced worldwide, which also turns him into the target of a “terrorist Cell” called “Revolutionary Independence From Technology” (R.I.F.T.)” who try different attacks in order to prevent the advance of AI developments.
Without give spoilers, Dr. Caster will give a further step thx to his wife and best friend, so the machine PINN will take the next step into technological evolution. However, and taking the most epic quote from Spiderman, “with great power comes great responsibility”.
Transcendence is a movie with a huge potential, with an awesome plot… but… something was missing. When i fall asleep watching a movie, something is definitely missing. Is not that is bad, but it wasn’t what I expected. Is a 2 hours movie that could last 30min less and have a better impact.
Special effects are awesome, acting aren’t that bad, but with a plots apocalyptic as Terminator, I would have expected something more exciting. Anyway, is one of those movies that you can watch a sunday morning when you wake up.
At IMDB has a 6.4 rating, which seems a bit excessive for me. Personally I would give it a 4.5 or 5; maybe Metascore has a more accurate rating (4.2).
Lets just hope that Johnny’s next movie gets better… after see him being a genius with
Jack Sparrow,
Mad Hatter and even
Willy Wonka; it seems to me that he has 2 boring movies in line (This and
The Lone Ranger). From his next projects, the only ones that catch my attention are
Into the Woods (Because i love classic stories with a twist) and
Through the Looking Glass (Because I love
Mia Wasikowska,
Helena Bonham Carter and is quite interesting to see
Borat on this cast).